Tuesday 24 January 2012

Insprining Programme About Microlights

I watched a truly inspiring TV programme about microlight pilots (link). A reminder that the richest memories come from doing things with friends and family.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Reading This Blog

If I say so myself, it is well written and inspiring!

It might be simple and basic stuff - but it's written in the style and at the level of explanation that is right for me.

Having just re-read it, one thing I am going to do is to re-implement the lunchtime rules - because experience has shown that bad things happen when drifting is permitted:

  • restart schedule lunch at 12:00, forfeit if not scheduled by 12:05, and forfeit if work not restarted by 14:00

I am also modifying the morning rules to state that work must be started by 09:00 on pain of STRICTLY ADMINISTERED and IMMEDIATE forfeit. The TV guide will be moved to 08:50.